Exactly so



Maria Callas says "Speaking of songs, we are all students until we die."  She is one of the most famous and talented opera singers of the twentieth century.

I believe her words above are absolutely true. Even Callas made an effort, an ordinary person like me has to keep studying for the rest of my life.


Thank you for reading and God bless you.^^


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New Year's NHK Foreign Language Programs

Here is the list for coming April textbooks of NHK English language programs. (See the link below.)


You can make a trial reading without going to bookstores. As I listen to the programs via Net a week late, I'm still in March, though....

Just for your info, I've been listening to the following 5 programs. You may think they are too many. But it's not so hard, for I pick up two of them for study while putting on a makeup every morning, well, just totally 30 minutes.



If I have more time, I also want to listen to the radio German and Italian programs. Regarding the TV German and Italian programs, I'll be watching them while hanging out the laundry as usual.:-)


 Thank you for reading and God bless you.^^


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Recommended Bible for English study

The Living Bible (English Edition)

The Living Bible (English Edition)


 I have many varieties of The Holy Bible in Japanese and English. I sometimes use German and Greek. Why Greek? That's because The New Testament is originally written in Greek. I used to learn Greek at a school 8 years ago but I forgot almost everything. Now I understand the real meaning of "It's all Greek to me!" through my experience.

I often use the Kindle version of the English Living Bible (pasted above) for speed- reading. I find this translation easiest in English. So, I recommend this book for English beginners. Reading aloud is also useful for your tongue and lips practice speaking English.

I actually did before my English conversation class. I didn't have much chance to speak English but had to teach English conversation for my adult students. It's also fun to read aloud the Living Bible as an actress with feelings. If you do so, I believe you'll be able to speak English more smoothly.

 Thank you for reading and God bless you.^^


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Graduated from college

Our graduation ceremony was held last week, followed by a thank-you party at a prestigious hotel in Tokyo. I had a great time talking with my young & old classmates and teachers.

It was the second time as a college student in my life. It wasn't easy to take exams, produce reports and make presentations. However, I liked studying classical music and music-related subjects.

Being into foreign languages, I enjoyed a lot learning German and Italian. I was happy to see my German teacher again at the party. 😁After greeting "Lange Zeit nicht gesehen!", we were talking to each other in Japanese, though... 😅

Thank you for reading and God bless you.^^


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Addicted to Excel?

関数は「使える順」に極めよう! Excel 最高の学び方 (できるビジネス)

関数は「使える順」に極めよう! Excel 最高の学び方 (できるビジネス)


As I mentioned in my previous posting, I felt as if I were Urashimataro at work after 4 year's break. I was a bit anxious about PC related matter. However, I was able to catch up with the latest version easily.

Regarding Excel, I almost forgot its functions such as VLOOKUP and PIVOT table. So, I bought this book in order to be able to work more smoothly. I was not interested in Excel at all but I find myself enjoy reading it.

This is a very beautiful, easy-to-read, and easy-to-understand book. I've learned a lot about the mechanism of the functions. I do recommend this book, especially for beginners. Did I get addicted to Excel?😄 😁😁 


Thank you for reading and God bless you.^^


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My favorite worship song: In His Time

In His TIme | Lyric Video

This is one of my favorite worship songs, "In His Time" from Maranatha Music. You can see its lyric below. 

In His Time(御手の中で)


In His time, In His Time
He makes all things beautiful in His time.
Lord please show me every day
As You're teaching me Your way
That You do just what You say 
In Your time.


In Your time, In Your Time
You make all things beautiful in Your time.
Lord my life to You I bring 
May each song I have to sing
Be to you a lovely thing 
In Your time.

In Ecclesiastes 3:1, the Old Testament, "There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens". Actually, I'm now in a difficult position but I believe the Lord who knows the best time and best way for everything.


Thank you for reading and God bless you.^^


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Holy communion



I've been trying various functions of the Hatena blog. How about this photo? I've pasted it from my Instagram. You can see a hanging scroll on the wall.

It says "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. (2 Corinthians 5:17 NKJV)" from the New Testament.

 Behind the pulpit, there are bread and wine used for communion. They are symbols of Jesus' flesh and blood. Our sacrament is monthly held on the first Sunday of every month. 

Thank you for reading and God bless you.^^


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Back to work

After about 4 years' break, I finally got a temporary job at an European company in Tokyo. Well, I feel like as if I were Urashimataro.^^; 

There will be a graduation ceremony at my music college next month. So, I'm still a student and an office worker. I'm looking forward to seeing my classmates again.^^


Thank you for reading and God bless you.^^


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Moved from Blogger

Regarding the notice from 'google+ team', I found that their google+ services will end in April. So, my Blogger's blog has been moved to Hatena Blog here. The 10-year-old English blog has almost been inactive, though...^^;

Well, from now on, I'll try to update it more often for brushing up my writing skill. ^^


Thank you for reading and God bless you.^^


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Sang solo at church

Yesterday, I sang solo "聖歌100番 しずかに神と" at church service. The original is "Still, still with Thee" composed by Mendelssohn. As the key is a bit low, I sang in F Dur, not in Es Dur.

It's been seven weeks since I had a vocal lesson with my private teacher Ms.I. I usually vocal exercises by myself at home but her vocal training makes my voice something nice and different.

I appreciate her giving me lessons on Sunday morning.

Thank you for reading and God bless you!
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