Entries from 2019-03-01 to 1 month

Graduated from college

Our graduation ceremony was held last week, followed by a thank-you party at a prestigious hotel in Tokyo. I had a great time talking with my young & old classmates and teachers. It was the second time as a college student in my life. It w…

Addicted to Excel?

関数は「使える順」に極めよう! Excel 最高の学び方 (できるビジネス) 作者: 羽毛田睦土 出版社/メーカー: インプレス 発売日: 2018/03/09 メディア: 単行本(ソフトカバー) この商品を含むブログを見る As I mentioned in my previous posting, I felt as …

My favorite worship song: In His Time

In His TIme | Lyric Video This is one of my favorite worship songs, "In His Time" from Maranatha Music. You can see its lyric below. In His Time(御手の中で) In His time, In His TimeHe makes all things beautiful in His time.Lord please sh…

Holy communion

今日は聖餐式です。 I've been trying various functions of the Hatena blog. How about this photo? I've pasted it from my Instagram. You can see a hanging scroll on the wall. It says "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; o…