Brian's Instagram

I've recently found Dr. Brian May's Instagram. As you may know, he is a guitarist of Queen, a famous British rock band. I liked him very much in my younger days. :-) f:id:veilchen23:20190411153234p:plain


A proud day for Astronomy ! Congratulations to the Event Horizon Telescope team on mankind’s very first picture of a Black Hole. Seen ‘backlit’ by light bent around the event horizon from behind, this amazing portrait of one of the least understood phenomena in the Universe will undoubtedly go down in History. Beauty ! 💥💥💥💥 I’m sure most of you folks know this - but it’s probably worth mentioning that this is not a run-of-the-mill black hole, the remnant of a single star, but a ‘super-massive’ black hole more than SIX BILLION times more massive than our Sun. People tend to think of black holes as something destructive and frightening. But these Supermassive Black Holes is seem to sit at the centre of most galaxies, including our own Milky Way galaxy. So perhaps they have a role to play in the creation of these glorious spirals, and are one of the reasons that we exist. I think I was the last to know about this, because I spent most of the day curled up suffering from a vile attack of a cold/flu. But the way in which this wonderful image was acquired reminds me that the best things are achieved by global collaboration. I have always looked towards greater international cooperation, rather than the restrictions to growth that go along with nationalism and isolation. This milestone is the work of scientists from many countries and telescopes configured all across the globe, effectively making an earth sized telescope ! This is the way to go ! Bri 

I wonder if there is no character limit on Instagram like Twitter but I can easily imagine how wonderful this photo is from his long posting.

Thank you for reading and God bless you.^^


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