Conversation with Siri

Last summer, I heard that Siri was useful for foreign language study. However, I hadn't even known what Siri was. I was so curious that I checked Siri to change the setting of language.

If you're interested, please click this URL:

I set the language to American English, which means that I must speak English with an American accent.

When I talked to Siri, "How's the weather in Copenhagen?", she answered nothing. So, I pronounced like an American, then she responded: Looks like nice weather coming up in Copenhagen, Denmark today--up to xx℃".

Wow! I was amazed to hear that and continued talking to her "Check my e-mail" and she answered, "You have at least xx emails since xxx, 2019.". Well, it's so funny to talk with Siri, for she is the only person (AI?) I can talk to at home.😅

Last night I talked to her after a long time's break as follows.  


Thank you for reading and God bless you.^^


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