Matthew 6:28-29

This is BBN German's Instagram. I've recently followed it, though it is difficult for me. To tell the truth, I like the German language and one of my favorite cities is Vienna, a very charming city. The above text's English version (NIV) i…

This reminds me of my younger days

the waiting When I watch this YouTube, I remember I was so selfish that I had my own way without God. I was so depressed and felt as if there had not been God. But finally, the Lord Jesus came and said to me, "That took a while. Let's get …

Long, long, long time ago.....



guidance I like this animation very much. 😄I've been working with the Lord.😄 Thank you for reading and God bless you.^^ ↓ランキングに参加しています。皆様のクリックが書く励みになります。どうぞよろしくお願いします。 にほんブログ村

Proverbs 3:5-6

The above quote is from Proverbs 3:5-6, The Old Testament. There are lots of Bible translations in many different versions. I like New International Version as follows: Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own underst…

Word power This website was introduced on Twitter. I tried the quiz of STEP 1st level and got 5 out of 7 answers. I'm disappointed that my English ability is still at this level. I must study it harder. Thank you for reading and God ble…

Programs of Supernova(Korean boys group)

フジテレビTWO、忘れないうちに予約した。#Supernova #スパノバ Well, if you're interested in nice-looking but interesting guys, please check these programs. I've been a fan of Supernova for seven years. Thank you for reading and God bless you…

I must learn Mac from scratch

今すぐ使えるかんたん はじめる&使える MacBook入門 (今すぐ使えるかんたんシリーズ) 作者: 技術評論社編集部,マイカ 出版社/メーカー: 技術評論社 発売日: 2018/07/24 メディア: 大型本 この商品を含むブログを見る I bought this book yesterday, for I mu…

Opera "Cendrillon"

シンデレラ役の里中先生と儀典長役の松井先生。里中先生可愛かった。松井先生、すぐに気がつきませんでした。 Yesterday I went to see the opera "Cinderella", which my college vocal teacher starred. It was performed by a group called the Tokyo Cha…

Bible comparison: Matthew 7:7-8

The following is the free app 'HOLY BIBLE' for iPhone. It's very useful: there are 1,884 Bible translations in 1,302 languages. We use 'the Japanese colloquial Bible(口語訳)' at our church, which is available from this app. Recently, most …

Easter is over, calm Monday...

This is my favorite place 'Nyhavn' in Copenhagen, Denmark. I used to make a 2-week trip to Europe every year, which was a great joy to me fleeing from my heavy workload at the office. It may have been a luxury trip but I was able to be ref…

Happy Easter!: He is risen!

今日は復活祭です。^^今日も日本語で失礼します。^^;明日からは英語に戻します。 すると、御使いは女たちに言った。 「恐れてはいけません。あなたがたが十字架につけられたイエスを捜しているのを、私は知っています。ここにはおられません。前から言ってお…


このブログは英語オンリーのつもりだったのですが、明後日はイースターなので、私の日本語ブログを特別にコピーペイストさせて頂きます。↓ =================================================================== 2019-04-09 毎年使い回しの写真で恐縮ですが…

Conversation with Siri

Last summer, I heard that Siri was useful for foreign language study. However, I hadn't even known what Siri was. I was so curious that I checked Siri to change the setting of language. If you're interested, please click this URL: https://…

BBN=Bible Broadcasting Network

I'd like to introduce BBN: Bible Broadcasting Network. To us old generation, FEN may sound much more familiar, though... BBN is a global Christian radio network headquartered in North Carolina. Programming content consists of Christian mus…

Brian's Instagram

I've recently found Dr. Brian May's Instagram. As you may know, he is a guitarist of Queen, a famous British rock band. I liked him very much in my younger days. :-) bria…

This coming Easter

Easter is an event as very important as Christmas. We celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ from death. He was crucified and died for our sins. Easter doesn't fall on the same day. How is decided? It's the Sunday following the full mo…

Exactly so

マリアカラスもこう言っています。本当にそうだと思います。 Maria Callas says "Speaking of songs, we are all students until we die." She is one of the most famous and talented opera singers of the twentieth century. I believe her words above …

New Year's NHK Foreign Language Programs

Here is the list for coming April textbooks of NHK English language programs. (See the link below.) You can make a trial reading without going to bookstores. As I listen to the programs via Net …

Recommended Bible for English study

The Living Bible (English Edition) 作者: Inc. Tyndale House Publishers 出版社/メーカー: Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. 発売日: 2012/05/25 メディア: Kindle版 この商品を含むブログ (1件) を見る I have many varieties of The Holy Bible in Japan…

Graduated from college

Our graduation ceremony was held last week, followed by a thank-you party at a prestigious hotel in Tokyo. I had a great time talking with my young & old classmates and teachers. It was the second time as a college student in my life. It w…

Addicted to Excel?

関数は「使える順」に極めよう! Excel 最高の学び方 (できるビジネス) 作者: 羽毛田睦土 出版社/メーカー: インプレス 発売日: 2018/03/09 メディア: 単行本(ソフトカバー) この商品を含むブログを見る As I mentioned in my previous posting, I felt as …

My favorite worship song: In His Time

In His TIme | Lyric Video This is one of my favorite worship songs, "In His Time" from Maranatha Music. You can see its lyric below. In His Time(御手の中で) In His time, In His TimeHe makes all things beautiful in His time.Lord please sh…

Holy communion

今日は聖餐式です。 I've been trying various functions of the Hatena blog. How about this photo? I've pasted it from my Instagram. You can see a hanging scroll on the wall. It says "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; o…

Back to work

After about 4 years' break, I finally got a temporary job at an European company in Tokyo. Well, I feel like as if I were Urashimataro.^^; There will be a graduation ceremony at my music college next month. So, I'm still a student and an o…

Moved from Blogger

Regarding the notice from 'google+ team', I found that their google+ services will end in April. So, my Blogger's blog has been moved to Hatena Blog here. The 10-year-old English blog has almost been inactive, though...^^; Well, from now o…

Sang solo at church

Yesterday, I sang solo "聖歌100番 しずかに神と" at church service. The original is "Still, still with Thee" composed by Mendelssohn. As the key is a bit low, I sang in F Dur, not in Es Dur.It's been seven weeks since I had a vocal lesson w…

The Garden of Gethsemane~Prayer

These pictures are the Garden of Gethsemane, Israel. Gethsemane means oil squeezing in Hebrew.Olive trees become bigger and thicker as they grow in age. Unfortunately, there seem no trees from Jesus' time, and even the oldest one might be …

I'm back

It's been six years since I put the last posting.. I quit the previous company and joined a music college last April. My major is vocal music. I believe that it's never too late to start something. :-) I'm studying "Qui la voce sua soave" …

The sermon on the mount and the Lord's prayer

It's been a very long time since I put the last posting. There are many films about Jesus Christ. The latest one is "The Passion of the Christ", which might be the most famous. My favorite one is "Jesus of Nazareth" I saw nearly thirty yea…